UNIAPAC Verbände engagieren sich in der Flüchtlingshilfe

Eine große Zahl von Frauen und Kindern verlassen gegenwärtig ihre Heimat, um sich in Sicherheit zu bringen. Sie benötigen Lebensmittel, Wasser, Hygieneartikel, Schlafsäcke etc. Unsere Partnerverbände bitten eindringlich um Spenden, um diese akuten Hilfen ermöglichen zu können, in Ungarn insbesondere mit den Maltesern. Wenn Sie diese Hilfe mit einer Spende unterstützen möchten, können Sie direkt an die Stiftung des ungarischen Unternehmerverbandes spenden, die die Gelder an die weiteren Verbände verteilt:
Uzleti Ertek Megorzo Foundation
IBAN: HU18 1070 0495 4411 8103 5000 0005
Oder Sie spenden an den BKU mit Stichwort Ukrainehilfe, wir leiten Ihre Spende dann dorthin weiter und lassen Ihnen eine Zuwendungsbestätigung zukommen.
Bank-Verbindung des BKU:
Pax-Bank eG
IBAN: DE14370601930013737010,
Aufruf an UNIAPAC Mitglieder
Hier der Aufruf von József Tóth, President of ÉrMe Foundation – Hungary (Kath. Unternemerverband Ungarn), an die Mitglieder UNIAPAC
Dear UNIAPAC members!
Thank you for your letters asking about the situation in Ukraine!
ÉrMe, the UNIAPAC member association in Hungary, has just finished a meeting with the Maltese Charity Service in Transcarpathia about the humanitarian situation.
We inform you about the following:
- Transcarpathia is the westernmost province of Ukraine, separated from the eastern part of Ukraine by the Carpathian Mountains. It is one of the main entry and transit points for Ukrainian refugees. Here refugees can enter Slovakia and Hungary. See the attached map.
- the other escape route to Poland
The local governor informed us of the following:
- The area does not receive food from the central regions
- Food and fuel purchases have been limited.
- The region has only two days‘ supply of food to feed the population and refugees,
- 7 special trains from Kiev to the Hungarian border, full of children and women, are leaving today
- Men aged between 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave Ukraine, due to general military conscription has been introduced.
We ask for help from all national UNIAPAC organisations and from all 40.000 members to Ukraine refugees!!
What is needed now:
- durable food
- water
- cleaning products
- sleeping bag
- blankets
- camp bed
- candles
- and money, in order to purchase these products
The Ukrainian charity organisations request that the aid should be organised and coordinated, as this is the only way to ensure that the donation reaches its destination.
The following rules for the entry of aid consignments into Ukraine have entered into force today
- The vehicle carrying the donation must not exceed 3.5T total capacity
- the donation letter can only be sent to a specific organisation,
- the consignment note must be sent in advance and the CMR sent to the regional headquarters for approval
- the entry permit must be in possession of before the aid can be delivered at the specified border.
Crossing the EU-Ukraine border:
It takes about 6-7 hours to cross the border and enter the EU. This is because Ukrainian border guards check everyone. Only women and children and elderly people are allowed to leave the country.
The Hungarian border is open for refugees. Those who are allowed to cross by the Ukrainian border guards are free to enter Hungary and to EU. I don’t know about the Polish and Slovakian EU procedures, but I guess it is the same there.
Refugees are accommodated in gyms in the surrounding schools.
We need the same help here!!!
We ask all UNIPAC national organisations and all 45.000 members to help! Let us show solidarity and help the thousands of children and mothers!
You can help with money, which will be transparently reported, with resources, which will be distributed to the needy in cooperation with the Maltese Charity Service!!
Our bank details:
Uzleti Ertek Megorzo Foundation
IBAN: HU18 1070 0495 4411 8103 5000 0005
In case of any question, I am free to answer any question!
József Tóth
President of ÉrMe Foundation – Hungary